The Concept Behind Pazyryk’s Carpet Poster Design

“Iranians spread carpets under their beds to make their beds soft.” The Greek historian named Xenophon wrote this sentence in the book of Sirat, 400 BC. This is the first historical document that mentions the age of carpet art and craft in Iran. Iranian carpets in world markets have been and are a symbol of Iran’s antiquity and civilization. Unfortunately, in recent years, the necessary attention has not been paid in the field of carpet marketing and this industry has faced decline. Actions such as carpet poster design, participation in international exhibitions and necessary support for its marketing and sales can improve the status of this art-industry.

About the project

The design project of carpet poster and advertisement of Pazyryk brand magazine was implemented in 2017 with the aim of operating this brand in the global market. In this project, in addition to designing posters and ads, the brand slogan has also been designed and used.

The main consideration in this project is to show the art and history of this industry in a modern way to attract the attention of the audience. A point that unfortunately is not paid attention to and its lack is felt in various industries rooted in the culture of us Iranians. Our need today in the advertising department is to introduce Iranian art and industry in an up-to-date manner and with the taste of the current audience.

Pazyryk is a brand that offers authentic and hand-woven Iranian carpets in the European market. According to the target audience of this brand, Iranian rooted motifs have been used in the selection of carpet motifs used in the Pazyryk carpet poster design. The clash of carpet motifs with written slogans has given this design a special visual appeal. The advertisement designed for this brand has been published in a prestigious French magazine.

The Project ID:

The Project’s Year:


Field of Activity:

Carpets (Production and Export)

The Client:


Project type:

Poster Design and Magazine Advertisement

Project items:

  • Pazyryk’s carpet poster Design
  • Pazyryk’s carpet Magazine Advertisement Design
  • Brand’s Slogan Design

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